Virtual Congregational Meeting

Today immediately following 11:00 a.m. online worship, we will host a virtual Congregational Meeting to vote on Rev. Mike Samson for the role of Associate Pastor of Engagement at Second Presbyterian Church.

Chaired by Elder Ron Snow, the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) has worked to advance core missions of Second – hospitality, connection, invitation – into a new chapter for this body of Christ. The ministry of engagement will deepen our fellowship, reaching both within and beyond our congregation in new and innovative ways.

Please register now at the link above and participate in this important vote on the 19th. Per our guidelines, a quorum (170 members) is mandated to allow us to conduct business in this meeting.

Thank you for being an active member of Second. We are growing this welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives – growing deeper, growing wider, growing evermore faithful. Learn more from the committee in this video.