Martha Nommay, CPA

Director of Finance and Operations

317-252-5514 | MNommay@SecondChurch.org

Martha Nommay, CPA, oversees all of the church’s financial operations, including the general fund, designated funds and the endowment fund. She also oversees the Operations Team, consisting of Information Technology, Building and Grounds, Food Services and Communications.

Prior to joining the church staff in July 2006, Martha owned four businesses over 20 years and served as payroll manager at Vanguard Services, Inc. She holds a B.S. degree in accounting from Butler University and has received many accolades, including the 2007 CPA Advocacy Award from the Indiana CPA Society and the 1999 National Woman of Achievement Award and 2001 Indiana Chapter Member of the Year Award from the American Society of Women Accountants. She was appointed as a member of the Indiana State Board of Accountancy by Governor O’Bannon and served six years, two as chairperson.