Holding Faith Together

This year has given us the opportunity to examine our lives and our faith through a fresh lens. As we consider where we have been, we remember who we are and who God is guiding us to be. We continue holding faith, together.

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    Holding Faith, Together Magazine
    Find hope and inspiration in the email messages, video devotionals, and sermons shared in the early weeks of the 2020 pandemic.

    If the Holding Faith, Together Magazine is not availabe above, please access it here.

    Faithful fellowship. Servant Leadership. Here or there, near or far. This welcoming community of faith continues to engage and serve as the body of Christ, no matter the tide of life. In these uncertain waters especially, we remember the power of love, the power of prayer, the spirit of generosity, and the ways we live out our faith. We meet you in this season with videos and devotionals, inspiring worship, and hopeful prayer evenings – all anchored in the steadfast love and peace of Christ.