Opportunities to Care for Others

Intercessory Prayer Group
A group of members that meets every Monday to pray over the confidential Intercessory Prayer List. If interested in joining this group, please contact Rev. Madison VanVeelen.  

Deliver a Meal
Our Board of Deacons deliver meals to members who are returning home after a hospital or rehab stay or to members who are just going through a difficult season. If you have a heart for cooking, we can add your name to the email list. Please contact Rev. Madison VanVeelen to be added.   


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    Congregational Care Network Team

    Second has partnered with IU Health to be part of the Congregational Care Network (CCN). We have a trained CCN team that, alongside other local Christian, Jewish, and Muslim congregations, seeks to address loneliness and social isolation in our community.

    Prospective CCN volunteers receive training in listening skills, understanding HIPAA laws and community resources, and more. After receiving training, CCN volunteers, called “connectors,” are matched with IU Health patients, called “companions,” who have self-identified as lonely and desiring of additional support after being discharged from the hospital. Through regular conversations with their Companions, Connectors provide a compassionate, listening ear and help patients ease back into their normal, at-home routines, identify sources of support in their existing circles, and connect to new sources of support and community.

    Read more about CCN here, or watch the video testimonial below featuring Second member Deborah Tobias.

    To learn more about serving as a Connector, please contact Lead Connector Brittany Babbitt.

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    Knitting and Crocheting Ministry
    Join us in the parlor as we show appreciation and support for those in need with prayer shawls, winter caps, lap blankets, and more. All ages are welcome!

    Once a month, Parlor

    Do you like to knit or crochet? Are you looking for ways to share your beloved hobby in service to others? Join us as we work together to create prayer shawls, winter caps, lap blankets, and more. These prayerfully made items are shared with church members, neighbors visiting our Food Pantry, veterans, and others who might appreciate a tangible reminder of the love and prayers of our faith community. All ages are welcome!

    We typically meet on Wednesdays from 10 – 11:30 AM, once a month. Sometimes our schedule varies.

    Upcoming Dates:

    • October 23
    • November 20
    • December 18

    To learn more, contact Group Facilitator Beth McKee.

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    Support the Deacon Chancel Flower Delivery Ministry
    Donate flower vases to support members in need of care.

    Did you know that every Sunday the chancel flowers that are used in worship are then broken down into four flower arrangements and delivered by our deacons to members that are in need of care?

    We use around 160 vases a year! If you have extra medium size vases (not square or bud vases) lying around that you could donate to the church, we will put them to good use! Please bring your vases, at anytime, during the year to the church reception desk. 

    As a reminder, if you or someone in your family is hospitalized, please let us know so that we may offer our support and prayers. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley McNamara at amcnamara@secondchurch.org or 317-726-5413.