Memorial Garden
For all the saints who from
Their labors rest,
Who Thee by Faith before
The world confessed,
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Completed in the fall of 1995, Second's Memorial Garden allows parishioners to rest next to the spiritual home they loved in life or to honor loved ones with a bronze plaque placed on the Memorial Walls.
Nestled in the shadow of the spire, outside the east wall of the sanctuary, this beautiful and consecrated place incorporates Indiana limestone and Italian granite with tasteful landscaping, walks, and benches to create a lovely retreat for generations to come. The Celtic cross (just outside the Garden) is from the Vermont Street church, where it was at the peak of the gable over the Ascension Window. Perpetual maintenance is assured through the Session of Second Presbyterian Church.
The Garden Memorial Service, held annually the week prior to Memorial Day, offers loved ones the opportunity to gather in prayer, remembrance, and thanksgiving.
We are currently on a waitlist for niches, but have plenty of memorial plaques.
Bronze memorial plaques honor loved ones buried elsewhere.
Plaques are 12x4 and may be purchased for $400 each.
To be put on the waitlist or for more information, contact Rev. Madison VanVeelen at (317) 726-5405 or