Ann Reynolds, LMFT

Incoming Executive Director of CenterPoint Counseling

Ann Reynolds was born and has spent most of her life in Indianapolis. She attended Indiana University and Christian Theological Seminary (CTS), graduating with honors. Ann received her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy at CTS and has stayed connected with the seminary for opportunities for Continuing Education and to take additional classes, primarily in Theology and Bible.

Ann is married to Steve and has four grown children, three of whom have returned to Indianapolis and live in her zip code – placing her four grandchildren within walking distance of her home! Ann’s fourth child is an artist in NYC, which she enjoys as a great destination for exploring galleries and museums.

Before coming to Second, Ann worked at Community Health Network as a therapist and was on staff at Tabernacle Presbyterian Church as the Director of Mission (Community and Global) and as a Worship Leader. She and Steve also had their own non-profit, Open Hand, Inc., which provided counseling services to the underserved and most vulnerable families in our city and was a training site for local and international students.

Ann enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with friends and family. She and Steve also enjoy traveling, and have worked in global missions, primarily teaching, in six continents.