Everyday Things in Plain Sight

Resources for Children and Families


When your family gathers, remind yourselves:

Everyday things
For Everyday people
Can be BIG reminders
Of God’s BIG LOVE!

Ask: What is our “everyday thing” this week?

Answer: Sandals

Put your everyday thing of the week on the table in plain sight of everyone.

Ask: What does it remind us about God’s BIG Love?

Answer: Everyone gives their own answer.

Trusted Adults, guide the conversation around sandals.

When do you take off your shoes? Allow for answers. They might be dirty, and you don’t want to track in mud or slush. They might need to be cleaned. Some people take their shoes off in the house. I wonder why? Allow for answers. What if it is cold out and the floor is warm? Wouldn’t that feel good? All close and toasty and (sigh) just lovely. In the Bible, sometimes people take off their shoes when they are standing on holy ground. “Holy” means set apart for a special reason, usually because it helps us feel God near us. Sometimes the most ordinary things feel “holy.” Sometimes places, or events, or people help us feel God’s presence and can give us that close and toasty and (sigh) just lovely feeling. Can you think of a time like that? Allow for answers. It could be a hug. A visit. Christmas Eve looking at the tree lights in the dark.

Is there a place in our house that feels “holy?” If not, how can we make a place that is set apart for a special reason, to feel God’s presence, with a close, toasty, (sigh) lovely feeling?

Make a plan to identify ad enjoy a holy place in your home.

Then, pray together:

God loves me.
God loves you.
Let’s show God’s love in all we do!