Everyday Things in Plain Sight

Resources for Children and Families


When your family gathers, remind yourselves:

Everyday things
For Everyday people
Can be BIG reminders
Of God’s BIG LOVE!

Ask: What is our “everyday thing” this week?

Answer: Cross

Put your everyday thing of the week on the table in plain sight of everyone.

Ask: What does it remind us about God’s BIG Love?

Answer: Everyone gives their own answer.

Trusted Adults, guide the conversation around the cross.

What does our cross look like? Do we have a cross in our house? A cross reminds us that Jesus lived just like us, and Jesus died even though he didn’t do anything wrong. The cross is blank because we know that a cross couldn’t stop Jesus. Nothing could. All of those wonderful things Jesus did…what are some of them? Allow for answers such as heal, feed, visit, help people. Nothing could stop Jesus, and this cross is a reminder that if we are doing something that Jesus did -- and we do it because we are people who love Jesus and follow him -- then nothing can stop us either! What is something we can do that Jesus did or would like? Allow for answers. If we wear a cross when we do those things, do you think it would remind other people that we are friends of Jesus? It might also remind ourselves that nothing can stop Jesus, and that Jesus is with us! How do we follow the ways of Jesus this week?

Make a plan to help someone because you are a follower of Jesus.

Then, pray together:

God loves me.
God loves you.
Let’s show God’s love in all we do!