Everyday Things in Plain Sight

Resources for Children and Families

You and your family are invited to consider everyday things in plain sight and to wonder about God’s BIG love. Each week begins with a reminder and a question. Your “everyday thing” for that week will be either bread, cross, coins, sandals, table, or stones. This thing can be found or made. You can follow the QR code to the church website for “how to” suggestions and instructions.

Use the short wondering-guide to consider how the everyday thing can remind us of God’s love that is so big it can cover us all and hold us together. Then, make a plan to do one thing together as a family to help someone each week. YOU can be a helper that puts God’s love out there in plain sight!

Close with a prayer that is both blessing and promise. Enjoy this time to reflect and to gather around the everyday things that can put God’s BIG love in plain sight.

Kathryn “Kat.” Green
Certified Christian Educator and Coordinator of Children’s Ministries