Sunday Worship

Join us this Sunday!

  • Regular Worship Times: 8:15, 9:30, 10:35, 11:00 a.m.
  • Where:
    Milner Chapel (8:15)
    Sanctuary (9:30)
    Milner Chapel - Service of Wholeness and Communion (10:35)
    Sanctuary (11:00)
  • All Worship Services: Nursery, toddler, and two-year-old care
  • 9:30 Worship: Spiritual Formation (classes!) for three-year-olds through adults
  • 11:00 Worship: Children’s Choir and Children’s Chapel

We welcome the energy of children and youth to the second and third floors. And our livestream worship at 9:30 continues at SecondChurch.org/Live.