Partnered in Prayer

One of the ways we hold faith, together, is through the power of prayer. Intimate and private for some, collective and shared for others, prayer transcends us all. As we continue to engage our faith and care for one another, we invite you to pray. And we invite you to share your prayer needs with us, so we may pray for you. 

  • Evening Prayer Worship Service

Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Facebook Live

With traditional evening prayer adapted from The Book of Common Worship, this short worship service includes prayers of thanksgiving and intercession, and readings from the Old and New Testament. Led by our pastors, we hold our community in sacred fellowship united by prayer. You are welcome to submit specific prayer requests ahead of the evening, so our leaders can lift up your voice with a strong sense of togetherness. Please indicate if you'd like this prayer to be shared and read aloud, or kept in tender privacy. We invite you to join us in reverence, hope, and faith, anchored in prayer.

  • Staying Connected

You may send emails to Together@SecondChurch.org for ways to stay connected and feel the strong sense of community at Second. You can also email us here to share the ways you are connecting with your loved ones. We are walking this road together.