Everyday Things in Plain Sight

Resources for Children and Families


When your family gathers, remind yourselves:

Everyday things
For Everyday people
Can be BIG reminders
Of God’s BIG LOVE!

Ask: What is our “everyday thing” this week?

Answer: Coins

Put your everyday thing of the week on the table in plain sight of everyone.

Ask: What does it remind us about God’s BIG Love?

Answer: Everyone gives their own answer.

Trusted Adults, guide the conversation around coins.

The widow in our story (that is a woman whose husband has died) probably didn’t have a job or a lot of money, but she gave what she had. I wonder if God thought that was an important thing for her to do? Allow for answers. It may not be as much money as what someone else can give, but a little bit counts. What is a BIG problem you have heard about? Allow for answers. I wonder what one small thing we can do to help? Example: For climate change, they can recycle. For water conservation, they can use a reusable water bottle. For victims of a big disaster, children can gather small coins.

What is one small thing we can do to make a BIG DIFFERENCE this week?

Make a plan to help someone this week.

Then, pray together:

God loves me.
God loves you.
Let’s show God’s love in all we do!